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Employee Benefit Plans Services

Comprehensive Employee Benefit Plan Services

员工福利计划是吸引新人才和向现有员工展示你在他们身上投入了多少的好方法. However, selecting and managing employee benefit plans can be a daunting process, even for the most experienced business owners. 即使在计划管理中出现一个看似简单的错误,也可能导致昂贵的罚款和处罚.

That's why at Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC, 我们很自豪地为纳什维尔和纳什维尔市中心的商业企业提供久经考验的员工福利计划服务. 您可以放心,我们熟练和有才华的注册会计师团队将帮助您消除猜测,简化整个流程. 我们的团队迫不及待地想与您见面,并实施计划,以多种方式促进您的公司发展. 立即手机赌博软件,为您提供免费的初步咨询,并获得您所需的专业员工福利计划帮助!

Call: (615) 992-9222 Book a Consultation

Do I Need Employee Benefit Plan Services?

选择和监督员工福利计划可能是一个复杂的过程, even for experienced small and medium-sized business owners. At Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC, 我们开始提供员工福利计划服务,因为您不必与多家公司打交道,就可以为您的员工提供健全的福利计划.

我们的员工福利管理部门包括各种内部专业人士,他们将几十年的经验带到您的角落, including third-party administrators, ERISA attorneys, plan custodians, and independent stock appraisers. As such, 我们的注册会计师团队致力于简化复杂的流程,使您能够更专注于最重要的事情. Above all else, our services are adaptable, 因为无论您是需要对员工福利计划进行EBP审计,还是需要我们的全套服务,我们都可以满足您的需求.

Our Extensive Employee Benefit Plan Assistance

Over the years, 我们认真听取客户的需求,花时间改进员工福利计划服务. 您可以放心,我们将调整我们的服务,以满足您企业的独特要求. When you first meet with our CPAS, they'll ask you various questions. Do you already have employee benefit plans in place? Do you employ more than 100 employees? 在管理你的计划时,你是想亲力亲为还是不插手?


  • Plan Auditing: As part of our services, we can handle the entire auditing process. 我们的团队将与您一起确定您的员工福利计划是否需要审核. 从401(k)到403(b)的计划都要遵守1974年《手机赌博软件下载排行》(ERISA)的审计要求. During an audit of your plan, 我们将深入研究您的计划的财务报表,并确定它们是否符合规定. Although an audit is needed to comply with regulations, it can also be used to improve efficiency and tighten controls.
  • Plan Selection: At Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC, 我们可以帮助您选择一个员工福利计划,吸引潜在的员工到您的公司,并帮助您留住人才. Our team will help you assess your employee's needs, analyze coverage options, and evaluate program costs. 我们有管理员工福利计划的经验,其中包括401(k)计划, 403(b) plans, employee stock ownership plans, health and well-being plans, and defined pension plans.
  • Plan Management: No matter what plans you select for your employees, 至关重要的是,你有适当的管理来监督他们. 我们将努力确保您的计划的条款对您的员工有明确的定义,并符合法规的变化. Above all else, 我们可以帮助您评估您的计划是否满足员工的需求,以及选择新的计划是否符合您的最佳利益.

Employee Benefit Plans FAQs

It's normal to have questions about our services. 这就是为什么我们友好和信息丰富的团队在这里回答你的任何问题. 关于我们的员工福利计划,最常见的问题包括:

What is a defined benefit plan?

固定收益计划是一种雇主资助的福利计划,为员工退休时提供特定的每月福利. 它可以承诺以美元金额或公式指定的金额提供福利.

Yes. Our services aren't just isolated to plan selection; we can also assist you with administering your plans and auditing them.

We recommend that you review your employee benefit plans annually. However, 我们的团队会消除整个过程中的压力,这样你就只需要专注于最终的结果.

Dependable Employee Benefits Services

At Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC, 我们为企业提供专业的纳什维尔市区员工福利计划服务. 无论您是需要帮助管理您的计划还是选择他们,我们都在这里为您服务. 我们迫不及待地想与您见面,并在未来几年成为您的福利计划合作伙伴. Contact us today for your free initial consultation!

Call: (615) 992-9222 Book a Consultation

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